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موضوع: The Real Value of Research, Publications and Academic Metrics

  1. #1

    پیش فرض The Real Value of Research, Publications and Academic Metrics

    The Real Value of Research, Publications and Academic Metrics

    The value of research is multi-layered and extends across various domains including knowledge expansion, innovation and technology, problem solving, economic development, health advances, education, social impact, global collaboration, critical thinking, and not just academic metrics
    The h-index and citations are metrics used in academia to quantify the impact and influence of a researcher's work. Although they are useful to measure the productivity, and significance of scholarly contributions they have limitations and can be manipulated by unethical publications practices
    On the other hand, citations serve as a form of peer review. When other researchers cite a work, it is considered an acknowledgment of the significance, and impact of that work within the scholarly community

    Important Note: Citation metrics, while widely used to assess the impact of scholarly work, are subject to various distortions. Understanding these distortions is crucial for interpreting citation metrics accurately. Typical distortions associated with citation count are Self-Citations, Citation Cartels, etc

    Lately, these indices have become so irrelevant as thousands of authors writing hundreds of papers per year. Inflation of paper publications has become the cancer of the academic world. This phenomenon is often associated with factors such as publish-or-perish culture, career advancement pressures, impact factor and metrics, predatory journals, etc
    The reality is that the value of research cannot be measured only by publication metrics. Recently, I had an administrator trying to lecture me on the importance of these metrics and the need to publish in “highly qualified” journal
    I was not bothered by his attempted discourse as I have a high h-index and citation number. What I found disconcerting was the bean-counting approach. Academics continue to fail to look beyond the numbers
    I did not have a chance to tell that person that I have a paper with over 1,000 citations which is not even counted as relevant by the Brazilian “bean-counters” as it was published at an international conference. They only count “the qualified papers” from Periodicals, Journals and Transactions

    Great scientists like Fourier, Heaviside, and others, would have no chance to publish their research nowadays. I know great researchers that are not even listed on these academic metrics, and therefore inaccessible and not considered as “qualified researchers”
    Great researchers are more interested in their work than in the receptivity of their publications. As Prof. Lewis said: “No one who values originality will ever be original. But try to tell the truth as you see it, try to do any bit of work as well as it can be done for the work's sake [without thinking of h-index, citations, JCR, etc.], and what people call originality will come unsought”

    Comments from a Professor""
    Paulo F. Ribeiro, IEEE Life Fellow

    ویرایش توسط Plus_Energy : November 26th, 2023 در ساعت 06:04 PM
    Be Positive

  2. #2

    پیش فرض پاسخ : The Real Value of Research, Publications and Academic Metrics

    How to Respond to the Reviews of a Journal Submission

    ,Dear Students and Colleagues

    In this video we discuss how to respond to the reviews of a journal

    submission, common mistakes, and how to avoid them


    Please share this content if you find it useful

    Paper writing

    How to submit THIS journal paper: https://youtu.be/qOVhESyIh-w

    How to write a related work section: https://youtu.be/tBud5yewkkc

    How to comply with a double blind review policy


    How to write an Introduction: https://youtu.be/Yqt_kLFRVmo

    How to write an Abstract: https://youtu.be/Mbe9WiHsimc

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    Guidelines on using ChatGPT and BardAI for Science


    Can ChatGPT write a proper Abstract: https://youtu.be/DRPhEEd0w2s

    ChatGPT LIES writing a Related Work section: https://youtu.be/ktGxGz7V-_w

    PhD Life
    common presentation mistakes: https://youtu.be/R9X_h1MqNg8

    common mistakes made by PhD students: https://youtu.be/EXlFS6lZ48Y

    How to review a conference paper: https://youtu.be/aRObK-Zuuhw

    How to get a research or teaching assistantship in the US:


    How to prepare for a faculty interview: https://youtu.be/V0vyB-woh7k

    Should I publish in a conference: https://youtu.be/LbHQywcyNWQ

    ویرایش توسط Plus_Energy : December 11th, 2023 در ساعت 10:48 PM
    Be Positive

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