دوستان خوبم مطالب زیر حاوی نکات مهم در مورد نوشتن توصیه نامه کاری هست که توصیه می شود آن را مطالعه کنید و با کارفرمای خود در میان بگذارید.

Dear Friend:

You have been asked to write a letter on behalf of a student who is seeking college credit for prior learning. St. Ambrose University is offering students the opportunity to receive college credit for learning acquired outside of the classroom setting, on the job, or in life experience. Your letter will help the student provide evidence that the learning he or she asserts actually did occur and is worthy of college credit. These guidelines are intended to help you provide the verification and evaluation of the student's learning in the best possible way.
Send your written evaluation on letterhead stationery Include a description of your present position and pertinent past experiences

Identify your relationship to the candidate (i.e. supervisor manager), the situation in which you observed the individual, and the dates of the observation

State specifically what competence, skills, or knowledge you have been asked to assess (in most cases, the candidate will inform you of these in advance

).Evaluate how well the person performed by using statements such as average, above average, exceptional, etc
Verify that the student held the position and fulfilled the responsibilities claimed

Use examples, wherever possible, for the standards you have used, such as performance at the same level as my other employees who possess the bachelors degree or performance exceeded all other volunteers under my supervision who have performed these same or similar duties
If you are not sure which skills, knowledge, or competence to assess please feel free to ask the student to be more specific. It is
important to know that you are not being asked to make a recommendation that is, we are not asking you to make comments on the student's appearance or deportment, nor are you being asked to make a prediction of the student's future performance. Rather, you are asked to verify what the candidate has learned and to evaluate how well he or she knows or can do what has been asserted
This information will be public and the candidate will be provided with a copy. Therefore, your statement will be most helpful both to the student and to the committee, if it is entirely straightforward. We wish to thank you in advance for taking time to provide as thoughtful and candid an assessment as possible