We are looking for recruiting PhD candidates in the following domains: biomedical engineering, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, control theory for several open position. If you know any interested and motivated student please forward this information to them.

We are primarily looking for students from major schools such as Sharif and Tehran with good GPA, or with publications in respected international conferences or journals. The applicant should be able to effectively communicate in English as well. You can find the more specific details here:


Contact Oliver Amft begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you are interested. The contact information is in the link above.

About the University:

Technical University of Eindhoven has a lot to offer to talented Iranian students. The EE department at TU/e has a (for a small department) truly exceptional number of top scientists (9 IEEE Fellows, 2 Fellows of the optical society of America, 1 Fellow of the Audio engineering Society). Only in our group, we have three IEEE fellows: Dr. Bastiaans, Professor Aartsand Dr.ir. Willems). There are also extensive industrial collaborations with several high-tech companies in Eindhoven including Phillips, ASML and NXP.

About the Country:

The bad things about here are 1 - the doctors and the 2 - long, dark winter and 3- to a lesser degree weak social integration with locals(which also depends on your skills) . Eindhoven is also a small city where shops are close after 5-6 PM and on Sundays.

On the bright side, the payment is very good. You are registered as the university employee for 4 years and you pay taxes on your salary, this in turn creates a large array of social rights for you. There is a lot of chance to follow sports or other hobbies as well. There is also a large international community of highly skilled migrants in Eindhoven. Eindhoven is a small city but has great facilities, including an airport that allows you to travel all over Europe cheaply. If you are into music, Eindhoven offers a lot, it has a orchestra and has a decent music center near campus where you can learn or practice. Also, there is an advanced complex for doing almost any kind of sports you can imagine