نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط reg2 نمایش پست ها
1. PhD , Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
2. Penn State Univ (Ranked 4 in Manufacturing, Ooops!)
3. MS: Babol Univ of Technology, Bs: Univ of Tabriz
4. Ms: 17.3, Bs: 14.8
5.Q=800, V= 300
6. 86
7. ISI (one accepted, 2 submitted) , 4 international Conf, 4 National Conf
8. 3 years lecturer
9. no answer from Profs.
10. Talk with a young lady via phone

well, the chance of my admission is narrowing down, where I will be in the next 6 months? US or padegan? !
بالاخره اين دانشگاه هم ما رو از دست داد!
PhD Mechanical Engineering
Northeastern Univ
Via website
Damn it.........