نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط ali_ghassemi نمایش پست ها
کسی میدونه این حالت که اکسپت شدیم و fund نداریم تا کی اینجوری میمونه؟
می خوام ببینم بقیه دانشگاه ها بهم fund میدن یا نه..اگه ندادن اقدام کنم برا اینجا
آخه هیچ جا هم ددلاین ننوشته که تا کی میشه بهشون خبر داد
من واسه فاند TA اپلاي كرده بودم ( PHD_Electrical Engineering ) ، اين جواب رو گرفتم:
Dear Farzad:

Thank you for your interest in a graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University. I am sorry to inform you that all of our GTA positions for the 2013-14 academic year have either been filled, or are being held open pending other departmental decisions such as faculty hiring. Any open positions will be filled over the summer. You are strongly encouraged not to depend to Michigan Tech for financial support of your graduate study, especially if you have offers of financial aid elsewhere.