نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط Milad2012 نمایش پست ها
می پرسه دیــگه!! من می گم شایدم تعدادشون رو هم تو صفحه ی مانیتور داشته باشه و اگر هم دروغ بگیم متوجه بشه! از این نظر می پرسه که ببینه طرف کلید کرده رو آمریکا یا نه کشور براش خیلـــــی مهم نبوده و هدف اصلیش از ورود به آمریکا مهاجرت و موندن نیست و فقط برای تحصیل میره و بعدش از کشورشون خارج میشه...
she asked me : ok what are the other universities that you had applied for?

i applied for 10 or 9 ! i can not remeber it now

since i was aware of that question before ( in front of the Embassy) i told my friend (rashidy-chem) let see what will happen! i think that they are not listening to our answer because someone else had made the decision before the interview! he said ok what you are going to do, i said that i will repeat the universities so that i will foud her reaction.

when she asked that question i said:
- State university of New York at Buffalo
Worcester polythechnic institute
Pen State
State university of New York at Buffalo
State University of New York at Binghampton

after that! no reaction! she said that every thing seems to be ok and gave me the YELLOW sheet!!!!!

i remember that i was flying rigth after that!