نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط mh.nassabi
و اما مشکل من:
من اول MVV داشتم و از اونجایی که دانشگاه آیندهون فرموده بود که در سفارت برای C + D ویزا اپلای کنم، ما هم ویزای خودمون رو از دانشجویی به شنگن تغییر دادیم. حالا سوال اینه که: آیا بنده هم باید بلیط رفت و برگشت در فرودگاه امام خمینی نشون بدم یا اگه بلیط یکطرفه بگیرم کافیه؟

شنیده ها حاکی از آن است که کسانی که ویزای 3 ماهه شنگن دارن توی فرودگاه امام بهشون گیر میدن!

پ.ن. ضمنا اگه کسی از بچه های آیندهون بلیط گرفته یا می خواد بگیره یه خبری هم به ما بده که همسفر بشیم (البته در صورت امکان)
سلام - نه شما بلیط یه طرفه بگیرین کافیه
اینم دلیلش:

Different types of visa
In principle, there are two main types of visa: the short stay visa and the MVV

• A short stay visa is a travel visa, valid for a maximum of three months. It can be valid for entering
the Netherlands once or several times, depending on which you apply for. With a short stay visa,
you can also travel freely through all the countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. (This
is why it is sometimes called ‘the Schengen visa’.)

• An MVV is an entry visa, valid for a stay of more than three months. After you pick up your
MVV, you have six months to make your trip to the Netherlands. An MVV can be used to enter
the Netherlands only once; it is a “single entry” visa. After you arrive in the Netherlands, you will
have to apply for a residence permit. This is the follow-up procedure for the MVV. An MVV is
valid only for a stay in the Netherlands, not for a stay in the other Schengen countries. (One transit
through the Schengen area is allowed, though.)

• A combined visa has features of both. It is basically an MVV, but it offers the travelling
possibilities of the short stay visa as well. This means you can travel freely through any of the
Schengen countries during the first three months, and you can enter the Netherlands more than

How to get a combined visa
In contrast to the MVV and the short stay visa, the combined visa is not something that you apply for
beforehand. You apply first for an MVV and then, when you go the embassy to pick it up, you can ask
for a combined visa. The procedure is as follows. You will be notified that you can go to the embassy
to pick up your MVV. Tell the embassy official you speak to that instead of a simple MVV you would
like to have a combined visa. Formally this is called “D+C visa”. (It is best to use this expression at
the embassy). The combined visa can be issued on the spot.

یه خورده طولانی شد ولی فکر کنم موضوع کاملا روشن شد نه؟