Hi friends
For the next session we will have 3 topics:

Do you like music?
What kind of music do you like?
When do you usually listen to music?
What kind of music is popular in your country?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Do you wish you could play any musical instruments?
Which is your favorite instrument?


What is the attitude toward marriage in your country?
Do most young people plan on getting married in your country?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of marriage?
Do you believe in having a relation (having a romantic relationship or fall in love) before getting married?
Is the divorce rate high in your country?

Describe a festival that is important in your country.
You should say:
When the festival occurs
What you did during it
What you like or dislike about it
And explain why this festival is important
Time: Thursday 10-12 PM
June 21th, 2012
Best wishes