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موضوع: ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

  1. #151
    Member Elnino آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
    رشته و دانشگاه
    کشاورزی- دانشگاه تهران

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    سلام دوستان

    من امروز آزمون اسپیکینگ داشتم با یه خانم ایرانی بود به نام اخوان. خیلی مودب و متین بود و منو با خودش به اتاق برد و بعد سوالات شروع شد. مسئله مهم این بود که اصلا استرس نداشتم. همه چی عالی پیش رفت و آخر سر کلی برام آرزوی موفقیت کرد و منم متقابل ازش تشکر کردم و خداحافظی.
    نام کاملت چیه؟
    آیا کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
    رشتت چه هدفی داره؟ استاد تو رشتت مهم تره یا دانشجو؟
    گل ها تو فرهنگتان نشانه و سمبل چین؟آیا مردمتون از گل برای هدیه استفاده میکنن؟
    آیا اعداد تو فرهنگتون معنای خاصی دارن؟
    یاد آوری اعدا راحت تره یا اسامی؟ چی کار کنیم که بهتر به یاد بیاریم؟
    توضیح یه منطقه تاریخی که علاقه بهش داستی وقیتی دیدیش
    برای چه کاری ازش استفاده میشه؟
    چرا برات مهم بوده؟
    پارت 3:
    مردم کشورت بیشتر تمایل دارن به چه نوع جاهای تاریخی برن؟
    به نظرت بهتره بری یه جا را ببینی یا دربارش بخونی؟ کدوم را ترجیح میدی؟
    چی کار باید کرد تا تاریخ را بیشتر حفط کنیم؟

  2. #152

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط Elnino نمایش پست ها
    سلام دوستان

    من امروز آزمون اسپیکینگ داشتم با یه خانم ایرانی بود به نام اخوان. خیلی مودب و متین بود و منو با خودش به اتاق برد و بعد سوالات شروع شد. مسئله مهم این بود که اصلا استرس نداشتم. همه چی عالی پیش رفت و آخر سر کلی برام آرزوی موفقیت کرد و منم متقابل ازش تشکر کردم و خداحافظی.
    نام کاملت چیه؟
    آیا کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
    رشتت چه هدفی داره؟ استاد تو رشتت مهم تره یا دانشجو؟
    گل ها تو فرهنگتان نشانه و سمبل چین؟آیا مردمتون از گل برای هدیه استفاده میکنن؟
    آیا اعداد تو فرهنگتون معنای خاصی دارن؟
    یاد آوری اعدا راحت تره یا اسامی؟ چی کار کنیم که بهتر به یاد بیاریم؟
    توضیح یه منطقه تاریخی که علاقه بهش داستی وقیتی دیدیش
    برای چه کاری ازش استفاده میشه؟
    چرا برات مهم بوده؟
    پارت 3:
    مردم کشورت بیشتر تمایل دارن به چه نوع جاهای تاریخی برن؟
    به نظرت بهتره بری یه جا را ببینی یا دربارش بخونی؟ کدوم را ترجیح میدی؟
    چی کار باید کرد تا تاریخ را بیشتر حفط کنیم؟
    من هم دیروز امتحان داشتم و تقریبا همین سوالها ازم شد
    با چه کسی دوست داری به مسافرت بری؟
    اون کیه؟ کجا باهاش آشنا شدی و کجا دوست داری بری باهاش

  3. #153

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    سلام دوستان
    من فردا امتحان دارم و به شدت استرس، كسي ديروز امتحان داشته بگه سوالاش چي بوده؟

  4. #154
    Junior Member
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    من با این اقا امتحان دادم .از نمره ای که داد راضی بودم .بیش از انتظارم بود

  5. #155
    ApplyAbroad Veteran
    ShahdaD آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط MAHSA.V نمایش پست ها
    من با این اقا امتحان دادم .از نمره ای که داد راضی بودم .بیش از انتظارم بود
    شما موضوع کارتتون چی بود؟

  6. #156
    Junior Member
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    یه معلم دوران تحصیل که دوستش داشتی و چرا

  7. #157
    Junior Member
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    Talk aboutsomething that you would do to help improve the environment.
    - Do youthink that people are more interested in the environment than they were before?
    - Have you ever had a conversation with someone about helping the environment?
    - Why don’t some countries care for the environment?
    - Would you change current laws and regulations in regard to the environment?

    Talk abouta friend who is a good leader in your opinion. Please say
    - who thisfriend is,
    - why you think he / she is a good leader,
    - how he/she uses the leadership skills.

    Talk aboutyourself trying to have a healthy lifestyle. Please say
    - Whatprevents you from having a healthy lifestyle?
    - What are the disadvantages of not having a healthy lifestyle?
    - What can you do in order to improve your lifestyle?

    Talk abouta program you saw on TV that you didn’t like, please say
    - What program it was,
    - What the content was,
    - Why you disliked it and
    - What could have been done to make it better.

    Talk aboutthe aspects of your life that you would consider changing to improve yourhealth. Please say
    - What arethey?
    - How would you change them?
    - Do you think you could change them?

    Talk aboutthe vehicle you would buy in the near future, please say
    - Whywould you buy this vehicle?
    - What would you use it for?
    - What are the advantages of having such vehicle?

    Describe arestaurant you used to have lunch in. Please say
    - Whatdoes it look like?
    - What kind of food do they serve?
    - Whom did you go there with?
    - Did he/she enjoy this place?

    Talk abouta photograph of yourself that somebody took that you liked. Please say
    - Who tookthat picture?
    - Where and when was the picture taken?
    - Why do you like it?
    - How were you feeling when it was taken?

    Describe asuccessful company that you know. Please say:
    - How didyou hear about the company?
    - How did this company become successful?
    -What is your opinion about the company?

    Tell meabout a peaceful place that you like, please say
    - Where isthe place located?
    - What is this place?
    - How did you come to know about the place?
    - Why do you like that place?

    Talk aboutthe oldest person that you know. Please say
    - Who ishe/she?
    - How old is he/she?
    - What does he/she do?
    - When did you see him/her last time?

    Talk aboutsomething that you have bought as a gift to someone. Please say
    - What isit?
    - Why have you decided to buy it?
    - Who was the person you purchased it for?
    - When did you buy it?

    Talk aboutan expensive item that you bought, please say
    - What wasit?
    - When did you buy it? Why?
    - Where did you buy it?

    Describe anoisy place you have visited recently. Please say
    - Why was it noisy?
    - What effect does the noise have on you?

    Talk abouta happy event in your childhood. Please say
    - whathappened,
    - who was present at the event and
    - why you remembered that event.

  8. #158
    Junior Member
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    Talk abouta wild animal that you like best, please say
    - whatanimal that is,
    - where you saw it,
    - what it does.

    Talk aboutsomething you learned to do very well (eg. cooking or driving), please say
    - What skill did you acquire?
    - How did you acquire that skill?
    - How is it important?

    Talk abouta person who speaks a different language to yours whom you have met. Please say
    - Where& how did you meet this person?
    - What was so special about this person?
    - What did you learn from him/her?

    Describean occasion on which you were late, please say
    - Why were you late?
    - What did you miss because of being late?
    - What did you have to face after being late?

    Talk about a person you would choose to travelwith. Please say:
    - Where would you travel?
    - Why did you choose this person?
    - Tell me about the person’s character and qualities.

    Talk abouta foreigner you once met, please say:
    - Who washe / she?
    - Where did you meet him / her?
    - How was the meeting?

    Describe asituation where you have helped somebody. Please say
    - Whom didyou help?
    - Why did you decide to help this person?
    - How did he/she feel about your help?
    - How did you feel about it?

    Talk abouttime that you have spent near water in your childhood. Please say
    - Wherewas that place?
    - Whom did you spend the time with?
    - What did you do?
    - Did you like or dislike that place?

    Talk abouta celebration which is important in your country, please say
    - Why isit important?
    - Why do people celebrate it?
    - Why is it important to you?
    - How do you celebrate it?

    Describe ateacher you had in school, please say
    - who theteacher was,
    - why this teacher was important to you,
    - whether you would like to meet that teacher in the future again and why.

    Talk abouta job that you would like to have. Please include in your answer:
    - What jobwould it be?
    - Why do you want to have that job?
    - What skills are necessary to do the job?

    Describewhat type of books you prefer the most (Novels, Sports, Travel Books)? Pleasesay:
    - Why doyou like this particular genre?
    - When did you first discover it?
    - Please name a few of your favorite books.
    - How often do you read these days?

    Describeany clothing given to you as a gift recently. Please say
    - Who gave you the gift?
    - What did it look like?
    - How did you feel about it?

    Talk abouta restaurant that you like to go to, please say:
    - Who did you go with?
    - Where is it?
    - Why do you like this place?
    - What is it famous for?

    Talk aboutyour family. Please say:
    - Name afamily member whom you admire.
    - When was the last time you met him/her?
    - How often do you meet him/her?
    - Why do you admire him/her?

    Talk aboutsomeone you have helped. Please say:
    - Who wasthat person?
    - Why did he/she need help?
    - How did you feel helping that person?

    Talk aboutyour last holidays. Please say
    - Do youlike to go on holidays?
    - Where do you like to go to?
    - Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
    - What do you do on your holidays?

  9. #159
    Junior Member AminEdmonton آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2011
    رشته و دانشگاه
    MSc. in Mechanical Eng

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط MAHSA.V نمایش پست ها
    Talk abouta wild animal that you like best, please say
    - whatanimal that is,
    - where you saw it,
    - what it does.

    Talk aboutsomething you learned to do very well (eg. cooking or driving), please say
    - What skill did you acquire?
    - How did you acquire that skill?
    - How is it important?

    Talk abouta person who speaks a different language to yours whom you have met. Please say
    - Where& how did you meet this person?
    - What was so special about this person?
    - What did you learn from him/her?

    Describean occasion on which you were late, please say
    - Why were you late?
    - What did you miss because of being late?
    - What did you have to face after being late?

    Talk about a person you would choose to travelwith. Please say:
    - Where would you travel?
    - Why did you choose this person?
    - Tell me about the person’s character and qualities.

    Talk abouta foreigner you once met, please say:
    - Who washe / she?
    - Where did you meet him / her?
    - How was the meeting?

    Describe asituation where you have helped somebody. Please say
    - Whom didyou help?
    - Why did you decide to help this person?
    - How did he/she feel about your help?
    - How did you feel about it?

    Talk abouttime that you have spent near water in your childhood. Please say
    - Wherewas that place?
    - Whom did you spend the time with?
    - What did you do?
    - Did you like or dislike that place?

    Talk abouta celebration which is important in your country, please say
    - Why isit important?
    - Why do people celebrate it?
    - Why is it important to you?
    - How do you celebrate it?

    Describe ateacher you had in school, please say
    - who theteacher was,
    - why this teacher was important to you,
    - whether you would like to meet that teacher in the future again and why.

    Talk abouta job that you would like to have. Please include in your answer:
    - What jobwould it be?
    - Why do you want to have that job?
    - What skills are necessary to do the job?

    Describewhat type of books you prefer the most (Novels, Sports, Travel Books)? Pleasesay:
    - Why doyou like this particular genre?
    - When did you first discover it?
    - Please name a few of your favorite books.
    - How often do you read these days?

    Describeany clothing given to you as a gift recently. Please say
    - Who gave you the gift?
    - What did it look like?
    - How did you feel about it?

    Talk abouta restaurant that you like to go to, please say:
    - Who did you go with?
    - Where is it?
    - Why do you like this place?
    - What is it famous for?

    Talk aboutyour family. Please say:
    - Name afamily member whom you admire.
    - When was the last time you met him/her?
    - How often do you meet him/her?
    - Why do you admire him/her?

    Talk aboutsomeone you have helped. Please say:
    - Who wasthat person?
    - Why did he/she need help?
    - How did you feel helping that person?

    Talk aboutyour last holidays. Please say
    - Do youlike to go on holidays?
    - Where do you like to go to?
    - Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
    - What do you do on your holidays?
    سلام خانم MAHSA.V خیلی ممنون که زحمت کشیدید ودو سری نمونه سوال گذاشتید و معلومه که سطح زبانتون هم خیلی خوبه که تمام سوالها رو یادتون مونده، فقط امکان داره بفرمایید دقیقا مربوط به امتحان در چه تاریخ و مربوط به کدوم مرکز بوده؟ خیلی ممنون

  10. #160
    Junior Member
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2010

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ایجاد پایگاه داده IELTS Speaking (نمونه سوالات Speaking آزمون های اخیر)

    این ها رو از سایت IELTS-BLOG گرفتم .از تاریخ فوریه 2011 به این ور .امتحانها یی که تو کل دنیا بر گذار میشه. برای خودم دو دفعه از تو همینا اومد.

موضوعات مشابه

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    پاسخ: 323
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  2. پاسخ: 25
    آخرين نوشته: February 25th, 2018, 11:09 AM
  3. speaking در سفارت
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