Possible permanent position at INRIA
Sophia-Antipolis: assistance robotics

INRIA is offering 3 permanent positions of young graduate scientists
at Sophia-Antipolis. Although this is a competitive selection, the
COPRIN project-team is seeking one applicant in the field of assistance
robotics for frail people. You should have a PhD in robotics (or related
fields) and preferably have been through a post-doc. You may join a team
of about 12 people working in this field, with extensive test platforms
(5 parallel robots, a fully instrumented flat, access to an immersive
room) that are described at


with the guidelines describing our research at


We have also a strong collaboration with local and national hospitals.

Possible applicants should send their cv at Jean-Pierre.Merlet@inria.fr.
The deadline for submitting an application is February 18.