سلام...دوستانی که برای این دانشگاه اپلی کردن و نیاز بود تا یک ایجنت مدارک مالیشونو تائید کنه بعد از انجام این کار این ایمیل رو دریافت کردن؟
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Please be advised that we have received the agent nomination from Arya Group with their certifications which has been updated in our system. The approval process for research applications involves consultation and approval from the faculty or research centre in which you wish to undertake your research. The response time will vary depending on your nominated research area, and the time of year the application is received. Normally, the approval process takes approximately four to eight weeks.

We also have been confirmed that your application for IF49 ( Apr 2014 commencement ) will be considered for 2014 QUT Annual Scholarship Round. The outcome of QUT’s Annual Postgraduate Research Scholarship application round will be known from mid-December 2013, and you will be notified by email about the outcome of your application at that time. For further information regarding QUT’s Annual Scholarship Round please refer tohttp://www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-and-funding/research-scholarships.