09.12.13 | Comment?

The School of Com­puter Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of St Andrews has around eight fully-funded PhD pos­i­tions avail­able. I’d wel­come applic­ants inter­ested in sensor net­works, com­plex sys­tems, and data science.

We wel­come stu­dents from a wide range of coun­tries, our only major require­ments being that you’re excited by the idea of research and are able to con­duct a com­plex pro­gramme within a small, friendly, and sup­port­ive environment.

In my case, I’m inter­ested in hear­ing from poten­tial stu­dents with interests in the fol­low­ing areas:

Sensor net­works, espe­cially deploy­ing sensors into the environment;
Com­plex sys­tem mod­el­ling, try­ing to model phe­nom­ena that oper­ate on a range of scales; and
Data sci­ence, par­tic­u­larly for how we col­lect, cat­egor­ise, and work with large sci­entific datasets.

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