دوستان عزیزم من این ایمیل رو بعد از دوهفته از یه استاد توی انگلیس دریافت کردم چند تا سوال داشتم 1- به نظرتون ایمیل امیدوار کننده ای هست؟ 2- میخوام فقط اسم موضوعات رو بهش بدم و اسم فیلسوف ها رو به نظرتون کافیه؟ ؟ ممنون
Dear Sara,

Many thnaks for getting in touch. Could you send more details of your specific interest in..... and what you'd like to work on and I can see if its something that I think would work for a PhD? You'd have to apply formally of course and send in some work but if you let me know what you are planning to work on I can comment on its appropriatenss for a PhD?

very best wishes,