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موضوع: Job Positions and Opportunities in Industrial Automation & Power Systems

  1. #1

    پیش فرض Job Positions and Opportunities in Industrial Automation & Power Systems

    Idea Inquiry for progress and development in Industrial Automation & Power Systems?

    Dear Connections and Friends
    In recent months, I have been involved in Industrial Automation or Industrial Control Automation (ICS) where I have gained knowledge in industry and academia in this area in addition to my own field, electric power systems

    Moreover, I think and feel that I could make more progress and gain experience outside Iran's industry and academia. Therefore, any suggestions and openings in

    1- Power Systems and Industrial Automation outside Iran, specifically in Germany (Siemens, Hirschman), North America (Siemens, ABB, Honeywell, Eaton, Rockwell, Belden, Moxa, etc.) industry.
    2- Power Systems and Industrial Automation Ph.D. and academia Openings in North America, Germany, and Australia.

    that you know and can Introduce, offer and suggest to me are truly appreciated

    Finally, I am thankful for any further guidance and comments

    ویرایش توسط Plus_Energy : December 18th, 2022 در ساعت 11:35 AM
    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  2. #2

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Job Positions and Opportunities in Industrial Automation & Power Systems

    آیا با Express Entry کانادا می شود وارد Siemens در زمینه Industrial communication و Automation شد؟ مرسی
    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  3. #3

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Job Positions and Opportunities in Industrial Automation & Power Systems

    Is there any PhD Research Fellow Openings & Oppurtunities in ICT, affiliated to the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Cyber-Physical Network?

    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

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