نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 7 , از مجموع 7

موضوع: Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

  1. #1

    پیش فرض Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

    Dear friends
    Scam is a form of fraud and is one of the most common types of confidence tricks. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster claims will be used to obtain the large sum.[1][2] If a victim makes the
    payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim to pay or simply disappears
    Source: Wikipedia

    ?How is it possible to detect and differentiate spam and fraud from real offers

    .I would be grateful if you could address this one***
    :For Example

    Green Card LotteryEXPERTS

    ***First Email***
    Dear ***,

    GCLexperts appreciates your interest in purchasing our immigration package.

    During our conversation you stated your wish to complete the payment on your own using Credit Card.

    To complete your payment click here. (1500$)


    The link will provide you with detailed information about the products and services included in your package. Please remember to follow all the instructions and then click the submit button to complete your transaction.

    If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department.

    Once again, thank you for choosing GCLexperts as your provider for immigration services.

    ***Second Email***
    Dear ****
    Customer ID Number: ***
    This is my personal email so you can always contact me here!

    Congratulations for the EB Visa process.

    I am here for everything.

    Best Regards,
    Peter McCall,

    Immigration Department.

    2218 Broadway # 163
    NEW YORK, NY 10024
    United States

    T: +1-917-444-9402

    One way to detect scams
    Our official vendors will NEVER send emails from a non-business account such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.
    Source: https://ieeet-d.org/scam-alert
    ویرایش توسط Simon : May 2nd, 2022 در ساعت 10:57 AM
    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  2. #2
    Member Garibaldi آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2015
    رشته و دانشگاه
    Physics - SUT

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

    راه خاصی وجود نداره، راه عمومیش اینه که یا باید هوش داشته باشی و با چاشنی وقت و حوصله به جمع آوری اطلاعات از منابع معتبر در هر زمینه بپردازی، یا برای امور مرتبط با قانون، مخصوصا قوانین کشورهای خارجی، از وکلای معتبر استفاده کنی، راه تشخیص وکلا و موسسات معتبر رو هم باید احتمالا از سایت وزارت خارجه کشور مربوطه پیدا کنی.
    یا مثلا این مورد برنده شدن مبلغ زیادی پول در ازای پرداخت یه مبلغ جزیی که مثال زده شده، فقط به کمی هوش نیاز داره نه چیز دیگه.
    6 9 nine or six
    It depends on how you look at it

  3. #3
    ویرایش توسط Plus_Energy : April 17th, 2023 در ساعت 02:16 PM
    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  4. #4

  5. #5

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

    با سلام. به نقل از دوستمون "MAHAN7":

    "دوستان این وکلای wegreen & Chen و همچنین وکیل Payam Tarifard طبق گفته ی یک تعدادی از دوستان کلاهبردار هستن.
    شرکت چن طبق کیس های اخیر ظاهرا تحت بازرسی قرار داره.
    در مورد Tarifard هم بهم گفتن کلاهبرداری میکنه و مبالغ سنگینی هم (در حد ۱۰ هزارتا) دوستان از دست دادن بدون گرین کارت.

    امیدوارم این اطلاعات براتون مفید باشه. گفتم اینجا مطرح کنم. ظاهرا قبلا (سالیان پیش) یکسری ایرانیها از طریق این دو وکیل/دفتر تونستن گرین کارت بگیرن (بخصوص چن) ولی اخیرا چند کیس علیه شون مطرح شده و تحت بازرسی هستن.
    شرکت چن بالای ۹۰ درصد کیسهاشون هندی و چینی های بیکیفیت هستن که ظاهرا chen گرین کارت میگیره براشون."
    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  6. #6

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

    : Another Example of Received Spam and Fraud

    WARNING: Some Attendees have reported receiving a mail from operations @ travelhosting.co.uk. This company is NOT linked to eGrid! Please ignore these mails.

    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

  7. #7

    پیش فرض پاسخ : Scam and Fraud in Offers(Jobs, Visas, Bills, home, car, etc.)

    As a Mazani, I invite you to Enjoy & Get familiar with our vegetation, Hyrcanian forest, sysangan, 1, , 3, 4, 5
    Others: a, b, c

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