نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط Plus_Energy نمایش پست ها
ممنونم. آیا، مورد زیر برای متن ایمیل مناسب خواهد بود؟ ممنون

My Greetings

I am currently graduated from **and I am working at a consulting firm known as **** in Tehran, Iran as an ***

My Specialization is as the following:

I am really looking forward to joining your Research group. I have emailed you to know if there are any new Ph.D. openings for fall 2023 at *** and I would be grateful if you could address my application.

Please kindly consider the attachment that includes my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

More information regarding my area of expertise, projects, and publications are referred to as the attachment in my CV. My latest Publication in the *** is attached as well for your reference.
Thank You for your consideration.

you have several grammatical mistakes and also your structure needs some improvement(alteration)
don't mention your paper or such additional info in the email
just introduce yourself and say that you want to join their research group(if it's possible)
attach your CV to the email and say for more information please look at my attached CV