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موضوع: حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

  1. #1
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    این تاپیک به بررسی و حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88 اختصاص دارد. از بچه هایی که علاقمند هستند تقاضا می کنم این سوالات را اینجا حل کنند و یا اگه در رابطه با این سوالات اشکالی دارند مطرح نمایند.
    سوالات این امتحان را می تونید از لینک سوالات GRE آبان 88 داونلود کنید.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  2. #2
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i1. Initially a defender of democratic rule, the president ironically soon began to employ the very dictatorial powers that he had once _____.i

    A) supported B) condemned C) created D) advocated E) recognized

    irony (n) = the amusing or strange aspect of a situation that is very different from what you expect -------> It is ironic that she became a teacher – she used to hate school

    condemn (v) = to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth -------> The government issued a statement condemning the killing

    advocate (v) = to support sth publicly -------> Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviors

    رئیس جمهور که در ابتدا مدافع قانون آزادی بود به طور عجیبی سریعا شروع به پایه گذاری قدرت های دیکتاتوری زیادی نمود که قبلا با آنها مخالفت کرده بود.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  3. #3
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i2. The artist was quite _____: he not only painted portraits and illustrated books but also designed furniture and monuments.i

    A) unsophisticated B) conventional C) temperamental:D) exacting E) versatile]

    portrait (n) = a painting or photograph of a person's head and shoulders -------> a portrait painter

    illustrate (v) = to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc. -------> an illustrated text book

    monument (n) = a building, column, statue, etc. built to remind people of a famous person or event -------> A monument to him was built in St Paul's Cathedral

    sophisticated (adj) = having a lot of experience of the world -------> He is a smart and sophisticated young man

    temperament (n) = the tendency to get excited very easily and become angry -------> She is so temperamental

    versatile (adj) = able to do many different things or having many different uses -------> He is a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts

    هنرمند توانایی های متفاوت خیلی زیادی داشت: او نه تنها طراحی چهره و کتاب های مصور می کرد بلکه طراحی مبلمان و بناهای یادبود را هم می کرد.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  4. #4
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i3. Because of the likelihood that her new colleague would not approve of her political opinions, the reporter briefly considered remaining quiet, then quickly resolved that she would not _____ her personal views merely for the sake of _____.i

    A) flout - posterity B) suppress - concord C) recant – debate D) misrepresent - conflict8E) advertise – affability

    likelihood (n) = probability -------> There is very little likelihood of that happening

    colleague (n) = a person that you work with -------> We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years

    resolve (v) = to find an acceptable solution to a problem and make a firm decision -------> He resolved not to tell her the truth

    for the sake of sth = in order to get or keep sth -------> She gave up smoking for the sake of her health

    flout (v) = to show openly that you have no respect for a law, etc. -------> Motorists regularly flout the law

    posterity (n) = all the people who will live in the future -------> Posterity will remember him as a great man

    suppress (v) = to prevent -------> She was unable to suppress her anger

    concord (n) = agreement -------> living in concord with neighboring states

    recant (v) = to say publicly that you no longer have the same belief or opinion that you had before

    debate (v) = to discuss on an issue in a public meeting or parliament that two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue. -------> After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal

    misrepresent (v) = to give information about sb/sth that is not true or complete so that other people have the wrong impression about them / it -------> He felt that the article misrepresented his opinions

    advertise (v) = to show or tell sth about sb/yourself to other people -------> I would not advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit

    affable (adj) = pleasant, friendly and easy to talk

    به خاطر احتمال اینکه همکار جدیدش نظرات سیاسی او را نخواهد پذیرفت، گزارشگر کمی ساکت ماند، سپس سریعا به این نتیجه رسید که او (همکار جدیدش) فقط به خاطر داشتن تضاد از نظرات شخصی او سوء برداشت نخواهد کرد.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  5. #5
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i4. The feminist poet’s extremely explicit and witty diatribes against social convention were so thoroughly _____ other writers that her idiosyncratic brand of rebellion eventually became the convention of her time.i

    A) inimical to B) alien to"C) emulated by D) resented by E) misunderstood by

    explicit (adj) = clear, exact, direct and easy to understand -------> He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there

    wit (n) = the ability to say or write things that are both clever and amusing -------> a witty poem

    diatribe (v) = a long and angry speech or piece of writing criticizing sb/sth -------> He launched a bitter diatribe against the younger generation

    thorough (adj) = doing sth completely and carefully -------> The police carried out a thorough investigation

    idiosyncrasy (n) = an unusual feature -------> His teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful

    brand (n) = a particular type of sth -------> an unorthodox brand of humor

    rebel (n) = a person who fights against the government, or opposes sb in authority, a political party, or accepted normal behaviors -------> Most teenagers find sth to rebel against

    inimical (adj) = harmful -------> These politics are inimical to the interests of society

    alien (adj) = different from what you are used to -------> The idea is alien to our religion

    emulate (v) = to try to do sth as well as sb else because you admire them -------> She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements

    resent (v) = to feel angry about sth -------> I deeply resented her criticism

    انتقادهای صریح و بذله گویانه شاعر فمنیست بر ضد آداب و رسوم متداول اجتماعی آنقدر به طور کامل توسط نویسندگان دیگر تقلید شده بود که در نهایت شیوه مخالفت غیرمعمول او در آن زمان مرسوم شد.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  6. #6
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i5. Although sermons retained their _____ in religious life during most of her twentieth century, they are gradually _____ that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.i

    A) stature - occupying B) role - preempting C) preeminence - losing D) superiority - attaining E) marginality - ceding

    sermon (n) = a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service -------> to preach a sermon

    stature (n) = the importance and respect that sb has -------> an actor of considerable stature

    preempt (v) = to prevent sth from happening -------> A good training course will preempt many problems

    preeminent (adj) = more important or successful than others -------> Dickens was preeminent among English writers in his day

    superior (adj) = better than sb/sth else -------> the superiority of this operating system

    attain (v) = to reach -------> Most of our students attained A grades in their exams

    cede (v) = to give sb control of sth or give them power, a right, etc., especially unwillingly -------> Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US in 1898

    اگرچه سخنرانی های مذهبی اهمیت زیاد خودشان را در اکثر زندگی مذهبی او در قرن بیستم حفظ کردند، آنها به تدریج آن مکان های مرکزی را از دست می دهند همانطوری که کلیسا ها انرژی بیشتری را به فعالیت های اجتماعی اختصاص می دهند.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  7. #7
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i6. The same environmental processes that long ago caused the original degradation of the forest ecosystem are acting as _____ its rehabilitation; scientists therefore intend to try to _____ these processes in order to prevent future damage to the ecosystem.i

    A) signals of - eliminate B) irritants to - exacerbate C) precursors to - slow D) barriers to - counter E) obstacles to - facilitate

    degrade (v) = to damage sth or make it become worse -------> environmental degradation

    rehabilitate (v) = to return a building, an area, etc. to its previous good condition -------> the rehabilitation of the steel industry

    irritate (v) = to annoy sb by doing sth continuously -------> The way she puts that accent really irritates me

    exacerbate (v) = to make sth worse -------> The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs

    precursor (n) = sb/sth that comes before sb/sth else and effects on it

    counter (v) = to oppose -------> Such arguments are not easily countered

    obstacle (n) = a situation that makes it difficult for you to do sth -------> A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job

    facilitate (v) = to make an action or a process possible or easier -------> The new trade agreement facilitates more rapid economic growth

    همان فرایندهای محیط زیستی که در زمان های خیلی قدیم باعث تخریب اصلی اکوسیستم جنگل شد به عنوان موانعی برای احیای آن عمل می کند؛ بنابراین دانشمندان تمایل دارند تلاش کنند تا با این فرایندها مقابله کنند تا از آسیب آینده به اکوسیستم جلوگیری کنند.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  8. #8
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    i7. The studies executive lamented the fact that experts who had tried to _____ the reasons why movies succeed or fail commercially had encountered great difficulty in producing mathematical models that could accurately future of unreleased movies.i

    A) downplay B) falsify C) delineate D) circumvent E) promote

    executive (n) = manager of a company or an organization -------> advertising / business / sales / chief / senior / top executives in a computer firm

    lament (v) = to feel or express great sadness about sb/sth -------> In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside

    downplay (v) = to make people think that sth is less important than it really is -------> The coach is downplaying the team's poor performance

    falsify (v) = to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true -------> the deliberate falsification of the company's records

    delineate (v) = to explain sth in detail -------> Our objectives need to be precisely delineated

    circumvent (v) = to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule -------> They found a way of circumventing the law

    مدیر مطالعات با اظهار تاسف این حقیقت را بیان کرد که متخصصینی که تلاش کرده بودند تا به طور دقیق توضیح بدهند دلایلی را که چرا فیلم ها از لحاظ اقتصادی موفق می شوند یا شکست می خورند، در تولید مدلهایی که بتوانند به درستی آینده فیلم های منتشر نشده را پیش بینی کنند با مشکل بزرگ مواجه شده اند.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

  9. #9
    ApplyAbroad Veteran
    aminp30 آواتار ها
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    درود بر sadra عزيز
    خيلي ممنون. فقط اگه تقسيم بندي كنين، ما هم هستيم. چون اينجوري من نميدونم تو كدوم قسمت كمك كنم تا دوباره كاري نشه. هر جور شما امر بفرماييد من در خدمتم. يه چيز ديگه. اگه جواب سوال رو آخر هر پست بذاريد به نظر من بهتره چون خواننده اينطوري ميتونه اول فكر كنه و بعد جواب رو ببينه.

  10. #10
    ApplyAbroad Hero Sadra آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2007
    رشته و دانشگاه
    EE Alabama Huntsville

    پیش فرض پاسخ : حل سوالات GRE Verbal آبان 88

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط aminp30 نمایش پست ها
    درود بر sadra عزيز
    خيلي ممنون. فقط اگه تقسيم بندي كنين، ما هم هستيم. چون اينجوري من نميدونم تو كدوم قسمت كمك كنم تا دوباره كاري نشه. هر جور شما امر بفرماييد من در خدمتم. يه چيز ديگه. اگه جواب سوال رو آخر هر پست بذاريد به نظر من بهتره چون خواننده اينطوري ميتونه اول فكر كنه و بعد جواب رو ببينه.
    خواهش می کنم...

    فرقی نمیکنه شما هر تستی رو که دوست دارید حل کنید (ترجیحا اگه به ترتیب شماره تست ها باشه بهتره)

    فقط از بچه ها خواهش می کنم کمک کنن تا همه تست ها حل بشه و اگه اشکال خاصی هم در این مورد هست مطرح کنن.
    سفرنامه عشق آباد
    تصویر خانم Aleta Kovensky آفیسر عشق آباد
    سلام بچه ها! من الان امریکا هستم اگه کسی کردیت کارت خواست بهم بگه

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